About Us
About Wagonhouse Winery
In early 2004 Dan and Heather decided to start a vineyard and winery. They leased some land from Dan’s family who had been farming in Mickleton for over a century, planted some grapes and hoped for the best! Sixteen years, 18 – 25 wines, and three boys later, they are still moving forward with all the energy and creativity they started with! The name, by the way, came from the old wagonhouse on the Brown family farm. The idea was to build a tasting room someday, modeled after that very building. Ironically enough, the building that is NOW our tasting room was once the site of the original wagonhouse for the farm located at 1401 Route 45 … we have the pictures to prove it!
The Three Boys Brand
In 2009 Dan and Heather started a new brand name for their new line of sweet unique wines . . . Three Boys Brand. Their three little boys (5, 3 & 1 at the time) were the inspiration for the name. This line not only allows Dan and Heather to express their creativity with wine making and labeling, it sets apart their traditional dryer wines labeled under Wagonhouse Winery. Even dry wine lovers have found a favorite among this creative line of wines!